A downloadable game for Windows

This is a very old build of the Ruptured beta, created before I switched to Steam. I have decided to make it public and allow anybody to try an early version of the game.

Wishlist Ruptured on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1987800/Ruptured/
Join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/YvW2qBfj5C

 Levels created in this version *may* be upgradeable to work in the release version, it depends how far along level saving and loading was at this point.

/ Old Description /

Welcome to the Ruptured Beta! 

This is a closed beta, so you may not share any content contained in this beta. For the time being, you can also not share any game footage as it is in a very early state and lots of things are broken or not yet implemented.

As far as content goes, this beta contains the level editor. You can save, load, and test levels, however there is currently nothing stopping you from overwriting levels, so be weary of that. If you are confused about anything, feel free to ask me questions!

Levels are saved in and currently can only be loaded from ./%AppData%/LocalLow/LimitedLimitations/Ruptured/


Ruptured Beta MV 0.7.2.zip 76 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file, then extract it.

Development log

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