MV 0.7.0 Changelog

+Added: Enemies now drop loot on death

+Added: Frame backgrounds

+Added: Guns can now be placed as collectibles

+Added: Level transition triggers

+Added: Knockback

+Added: Enemy health

~Changed: Bullets now emit light

~Changed: Clicking an object while a tile is selected now places the tile rather than selecting the object

~Changed: Enemy bouncers can now scale

~Changed: Tweaked several sounds, mainly their volume

~Changed: Many balancing changes to energy

~Changed: Pushers now only reverse if moving the opposite direction to a projectile

~Changed: Pushers now have a larger weak point

~Changed: Object properties menu now changes on button released

~Changed: Minor background improvements

~Changed: Tweaked dirt backgrounds

~Changed: Minor movement tweaks

=Fixed: Gun fire sound cut off when switching weapons

=Fixed: Sounds take the volume of the next sound to play from that source

=Fixed: Spawnpoint selection box is now the correct size

=Fixed: Properties menu does not disappear when selecting object without exposed properties

=Fixed: Object scale sometimes gets messed up

=Fixed: Level end now functions again

=Fixed: Input disabling now works, so hopefully no more walking in the level end screen

=Fixed: Door properties don't load in editor

=Fixed: Energy meter does not update when energy refills completely


Ruptured Beta MV 76 MB
Jan 15, 2023

Get Ruptured Beta

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