0.4.0 Changelog

0.4.0 Changelog

+Added: Timer

+Added: Rotatable Objects

+Added: Booster Pad

+Added: Creator and Description to level format

+Added: New tiles

+Added: Ability to make player start without rupture core

+Added: Rupture Gates

+Added: Restart Level button to test pause menu (for real this time)

+Added: Max fall speed for player

+Added: Corner nudging

+Added: Two more story level blockouts, both very unfinished

~Changed: Various changes to player movement ***NEEDS FEEDBACK***

~Changed: All chapters are now accessible in the level select screen

~Changed: Player now dies when crushed by pusher

~Changed: Player once again instantly respawns on self destruct

~Changed: Pushers can now move in any direction

~Changed: Redesigned save menu

~Changed: Settings menu is now smaller to fit the audio settings snugly

~Changed: Level listings now show level author and description

~Changed: Various changes to level format (Any pushers or enemy bouncers you had will be gone)

-Fixed: Spawnpoint can no longer get desynced (hopefully)

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