0.7.0 Changelog

+Added: Several new tiles

+Added: Level bounds handles, replacing the old menu

+Added: Levels folder is now created on startup

~Changed: Overhauled level editor UI

~Changed: Reduced base music volume

~Changed: Open levels folder button now takes you directly to the levels folder

~Changed: Tweaked several existing tiles

~Changed: Checkpoint now switches to disabled sprite when another is activated

~Changed: Polished the design of Beorge

~Changed: Removed all emotion from Beorge

~Changed: Collecting Rupture Core or Gun plays a different sound

~Changed: Checkpoints now save player abilities

~Changed: Tweaked several tooltips

~Changed: VFX can now be rotated, they now spawn at the edge of the tile

~Changed: Rupture Core has new sprite

~Changed: Grid is now based on screen size, assuming 16:9 aspect ratio

~Changed: Cold sun now has glare again

~Changed: Background now extends properly when zoomed out

-Fixed: You can now enter large negative numbers in level bounds (They got removed so this does nothing)

-Fixed: Horizontal zoom now centers properly when screen is wider than level

-Fixed: You can no longer jump on shockers

-Fixed: Bullet sparks now spread out properly

-Fixed: Enemy bullet sparks are now red

-Fixed: Probably fixed more things and forgot to record them


Ruptured Beta 0.7.0.zip 31 MB
Apr 20, 2022

Get Ruptured Beta

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